Angelica: The Promise of Septembers

Angelica Toumbas is only fifteen years old, but that hasn’t stopped her from forging ahead and developing a career in music! She just released her debut album, Affirmations to the Enduring, which is available on iTunes and Amazon. She writes music, sings, and plays the piano. Take a listen. Besides singing along with the radio, I lack any musical talent whatsoever, so I find it pretty amazing that Angelica has been able to do this while simultaneously attending school and being a pretty awesome teenager. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to photograph her. You can see some of my photos in the liner notes of her album as well as on her facebook page. These are some of my favorites from our session together!


Angelica, congratulations on all you’ve accomplished! So exciting!
Take a minute and check her out!

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Margaret Belanger Photography | Angelica: The Promise of Septembers

Meg Belanger