Babies make the best faces ever and Baby C was no exception. Oh my goodness! I loved every single one! Now, I’ve known his mom since we were in high school. She was in my 9th grade biology class. I’m pretty sure I have a photo of us dissecting a frog. Suffice to say, we go way back. Now I get to see her as a mom to two adorable children! This little guy is only five weeks old in these photos. I swear this is the day he truly started smiling. I have way too many photos of him with a little smile on his face for it to have been a coincidence. Here are some of my favorites from the day!
Okay, so the next photo is kind of an “outtake.” It’s totally silly and not really composed all that well, but I just love everything that’s going on in the photo. I love his goofy smiley expression, but I also love the action in the background. His sister is mid-air on her way to the bed – there’s just the tiniest hint of danger. Ha!
Isn’t she absolutely beautiful?
Look at the way he is looking at his big sister! It is priceless!