Let There Be Songs To Fill the Air

Anne was my freshman year roommate at Colby and, last summer, Doug & I photographed her & Tim’s wedding. This summer, we trekked up to Vermont to photograph their new baby!

Meet Mr. Bhodi…
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I was lucky enough to catch this little smile! I love it when babies smile in their sleep.
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Mom & baby.
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The family! Anne & Tim are super laid-back, so I wanted to capture some laid-back family photos for them.
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They had this little bench in their yard, so we had to use it in the photos.
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Dad & baby.
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This photo makes me laugh because Bhodi looks like a rapper. Yo yo yo!
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And no Anne & Tim blog post would be complete without a photo of Banjo!
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I’ve been working on a sample baby announcement featuring Bhodi, which I’ll have to post later. Right now I have to scoot out the door to go photograph a farm!

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Margaret Belanger Photography | Let There Be Songs To Fill the Air

Meg Belanger