A few years ago, I photographed Brian and Chelsey and Waffles and Chandler for their Christmas cards, so when Chelsey reached out to me again for Christmas card photos, I was super excited! These two are adorable and so are their dogs. We decided to shoot at Mahoney’s in Winchester to make use of their extensive Christmas tree selection. When Brian and Chelsey stepped out of their car, they had a little surprise for me – a little red onesie that said “best gift ever.” Oh my goodness! They wanted to send Christmas cards announcing that they would be expecting a baby! How much fun is that?! And I love that as the photographer, I got to be in on the secret! Tucked between the Christmas trees, they spent a little time just joyfully celebrating this new time in their lives. Just the two of them. Well, plus the dogs. But Waffles and Chandler seemed pretty on board with the whole idea.
Posted in Families